Monday, 22 October 2012

Happy Birthday Dad !

Today was my Dad's birthday, and it was also a student free day ! Score ! It was a pretty good day. Unfortunately, I was doing homework for half of it though, but I did get to spend time with my dad which was nice. We didn't go out anywhere fancy, but instead we stayed at home and relaxed. We watched some movies and my brother and I went in the pool, while dad watched. It was fun !

The day went so quick, but I really enjoyed it ! I just wish that the teachers wouldn't load us up with so much homework, then I could've spent more time with my dad ! But anyway, I think he enjoyed it and mum even cooked his favourite dinner... Chicken Karaage ! It is amazingly delicious ! It is basically chicken, soaked in a marinade of soy sauce and garlic, and then fried ! It was so nice, seeing as we hadn't eaten it for... ages ! 

Here are some photos of the birthday dinner !

Wow, best be getting to bed, I have school tomorrow and a Japanese test, hopefully I'll do well !


Unknown said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yummy! The food looks so good!
Happy Birthday to your dad

Unknown said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks Adamo, it was delicious x

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