Well, this is my first ever post on blogspot !
I've been working on this blog for about 2 hours now and I'm still not happy with these template settings, so bare with me for a bit, because it will get better... It's nothing special yet, but it will be soon !
I have never really blogged before, or at least successfully before, because I did start a blog last year with a couple of friends, but we just completely forgot about it, so that was a fail attempt. I will however do my best to keep this blog up-to-date with re-tellings of my highly "adventurous" life, whenever possible.
This blog will display my daily life, including my food, because if you know me, you would know that food is a huge part of my life. My photography and photographs that I take, if I am satisfied with my shots, and other daily inspirational or interesting things that I wish to share with you. Also, I have made it a personal goal of mine to always keep my blog positive and not talk about negative or upsetting things in my life. I always try to see the glass as half-full not half-empty. I thought that it would be nice to make my blog positive, just in case I have a bad day, because at least I can come home and blog about happy things, and not drear over unpleasant things.
So, that's my first ever post over and done with. That wasn't too difficult, so this shouldn't be too hard.
Farewell for now x
Wow, sounds cool! :D hehe
Haha, thanks feliciablue x
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